Layer 1
ScalePoynt-Novatech: Nearshoring


Pre-Vetted Hybrid Nearshore Teams

Local Leaders That Have Done It Before

Local Fractional CTO & CISO

Local AWS DevOps


Nearshore Team Management

Nearshore Developers

English-Speaking, North American Timezones

Get To Market Fast

Problem. Most SaaS companies burn 6-9 months selecting their offshore-nearshore partner, often evaluating 10-15 different firms. And in the end, how well did they're making a big bet on their "best guess" at a partner.

Our Approach. ScalePoynt is a Venture Studio of ex-founders and senior DevSecOps talent. Our former founders and executives pre-vet offshore partners the same we would if we were hiring them ourselves.

Goal. Our goal is to take the guess work out of scaling venture capital. We make it repeatable, reliable, and "the one part of scaling you never have to worry about".

How We Do It

We've done the research and the operational preparation leg-work, so you don't have to.

Verify our approach (obviously), then when you feel comfortable, pull the trigger launch within one (1) quarter.

1. Ready-to-Run Playbooks

2. Local + Nearshore

Vendor Selection.

Local Leaders.


Local CTO + CISO.


Nearshore Leaders.


Nearshore Dev Team.


Nearshore Scaling.

Pick Your Dream Team & Get Started

We help you setup local + nearshore leadership, so you have the oversight & foresight you can trust.

Then setup a small, foundational local team, and expand your nearshore dev team pods.

Why Novatech?

ScalePoynt does rigorous partner vetting + operational templating.

Meaning, we select offshore partners with whom we have previously worked and who meet the highest quality standards. We have streamlined the process for you by preparing templated contracts, budgeting, and team rollout plans, modeled on the successful strategies we implemented in our own startups previously.

Which brings us to Novatech, strategically positioned with offices in Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Mexico, complemented by an extensive network of professionals in over 12 Latin American countries.

NovaTech's core focus points for differentiation:

  • Expertise. Team of proven experts with extensive experience and high-quality procedures. Discipline and organized is key for real engineering.
  • Accountability. Effective accountability and continuous improvement process. They focus on owning outcomes.
  • Coaching. Robust coaching and professional development initiatives. They look after their dev teams, and have a culture of growing them internally.

Evaluation: Top 6 Partner Selection Considerations

Geopolitical / Location

Stable regions in South and Latin America.


+/- 2 hours from EST


English. We consider this mandatory -- you want your nearshore teams to be "a part of your team".

Talent Base

Modern dev languages, including NodeJS, React, AWS.


Typically 30-50% savings on pure base cost + 10-15% on payroll overhead.
Save on typical market recruiting fees of 25-30%.


We find it critical to assess whether dev shops have "built MVP project", or "built & run actual platforms before". It's significantly different to build a MVP vs. something you have to scale and manage for the next 5-10 years.

Novatech is experienced in fintech, AI, eLearning, big data, blockchain, and some mobile apps.

We also perform a thorough assessment to evaluate their development processes and adherence to best practices. This rigorous evaluation is crucial to ensure teams perform in accordance with the highest quality standards.

Evaluation: Top 10 Operational Contracting Considerations

Talent Adjustments

Short notice for you to adjust talent, limited ability for partner to remove/adjust talent (unless they leave the company).


We help plan for and bake in the price for regional vacation (there's some differences vs. North America).

After Hours Support

Goal #1 for us is to avoid "needing" this. Most after hours issues we find comes from unstable infrastructure & devops pipelines -- hence why we allocate local, senior teams to template and manage that part. Then, we plan "ownership responsibilities", and ensure tools are in place to proactively monitor and troubleshoot issues (again, easier to avoid fires than keep putting them out all the time).

Security Policies

You'll need this for SOC-2, and B2B customers that do security diligence questionnaires on you. In turn, since dev teams build your platform, they'll need to following your security protocols too.

ScalePoynt can run your CISO security programs, and we make sure nearshore partners are vetted and contracted to meet the same expectations.

Rate Card: Seniority

No one wants disputes on pricing once you start.
We contract-in clear definitions on Senior, so your team is built right, and the rates matches too.

Rate Card: Increases

We like to say, "Nearshore dev teams are people too".
Avoid end of year disputes on rate changes. We pre-plan for the ability for devs to grow over time (eg. junior to intermediate), and small annual allowances for overall rate adjustments to allow for raises on the team (you want to keep your best talent, right?). However, all with clear, predicatable budgeting.

Laptops / OS

In our experience, significant time is lost and bugs are caused by inconsistent equipment between in-house and near-shore teams (eg. if you're building AWS SaaS platforms on Linux, doing dev in Windows is 100% going to create issues over time). We ensure alignment of equipment and operating systems, from local machines to cloud dev to prod.


You have ability to terminate with reasonable notice, if you need to make major adjustments. Partners don't have the same ability (shy of gross negligence of fraud issues).

Bench / Hiring

Don't assume the best talent sits around on the bench waiting for you to hire them.
We take the time to understand their bench, project rollouts, timing & planning, and local hiring abilities. Then create realistic timelines to get the best talent on your team, on the most predictable schedules.

Why ScalePoynt?

Take the guess work out of scaling.
Some parts of your startup are unique, and best done in-house.

  • Your product
  • Your customers

Some parts of critical infrastructure are literally the exact same for every startup:

  • AWS infrastructure & DevOps
  • Security
  • Offshore setup

When water leaks at home, you call a plumber. When you need a new roof, you call a roofer. Just cause you "can" do it yourself, doesn't mean you should. Bring in experts for the critical, repeatable parts that want and need done right.

Here's the big 3 principles and unique points we follow:


We know what right looks like.
We've done it before.
We've made it repeatable.
And just like Private Equity firms do, we've made it into playbooks (so you get it fast, correct, and guaranteed).


If you do it yourself, you're starting from scratch.
We spent years building our SaaS experience, then even more refining it into templates & playbooks.

For example:

AWS. 45 Terraform modules. We spin up in weeks what would take years to do on your own.
Security. 70 pages SIG Lite, 18 processes & procedures, 122 rollout tasks, 130 diligence responses.
Offshoring. 84 operating contract clauses (separate from MSA legal clauses).


You (founder/CEO), your CTO, and your board & investors want to know what's going on. In a clear, coherent form that business can understand, aligns with technical reality, and takes into consideration fundraising & budget planning.

We provide monthly and quarterly 1-pagers that most our Founders share with their board, to show they have a clear plan, and know exactly what is going on with their team.

  • Rollout Status (AWS, Security)
  • Roadmap (AWS, Security, Dev Roadmap)
  • Executive Update (quarterly, with annual view)
  • Annual Budget (pre & post-raise; headcount, tools, AWS spend)

How To Get Started

Your time is valuable. So ours. So we like to make it fast, effective, and simple.
We've got a 3 step process to getting started together:


Relationship comes first.
Have our sales team pull in an ex-Founder to get introduced.


We do 2 rapid review calls with your tech & leadership teams, and a 3rd final one to review the results with you.

What you get:

  • SOC-2 Security Assessment
  • AWS Cloud Assessment
  • 12-month Roadmap


We'll build you an operating plan you can take to your leadership and your board. We include:

  • Budget
  • Roadmap
  • Timelines
  • Contracting
  • Leadership team


Ask us about special options for "PRE & POST-RAISE Plans", where we get you started now fast & cost effective, so you can get through your funding round and scale after.

Customer Stories

Don't worry, you're not the first through this process.
Check out some stories from other Founders and Executives we've worked with, how they felt when they were starting, and what they learned from Scaling with ScalePoynt.

"ScalePoynt brought to me the highest level of efficiency I could get, and peace of mind during my off-time."

- Osazee Igbinosun, CTO,
Black Professionals in Tech Network

"If you show up like every other startup, you’re going to get treated like every other startup. It’s going to be long cycles. And security & compliance is going to block you."

- Aly Dhalla, CEO & Co-Founder, Finaeo

"I am an engineer, so I don’t really have alot of experience with acquisitions, so we really needed help in that area. Now we’re focused on growing, focused on building, which is very different than before the acquisition."

- Samir Al-Battran, CEO & Founder, Fedica